A compass with the word talent on it.

Corporate Talent Acquisition Solutions

At Kelton Legend, we specialize in delivering comprehensive corporate talent acquisition solutions tailored to meet your organization's needs.

Our Core Offerings

  • Talent Acquisition Strategy Development: Crafting strategies that align with your business objectives in an effort to exceed your talent goals. This is not a one size fits all approach.  We tailor a solution, strategy, process, and systems configuration unique to your desired outcome. 
  • Applicant Tracking System/Talent Acquisition Process Integration: Seamlessly integrating systems to support the entirety of your hiring process. We utilize proprietary tools, deep knowledge of the TA process, and exclusive relationships within the HR technology industry.  
  • Resource Alignment: Ensuring optimal allocation and alignment of human resources.
  • Diversity Strategy Development: Creating strategies to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the entirety of your talent acquisition process.

Our Approach

We take a hands-on approach to understanding your unique business requirements, enabling us to develop the most effective talent acquisition solution. Our process involves gathering feedback and requirements from all stakeholders, coupled with a thorough survey of the HR market, to identify the best resources. In the competitive landscape for talent, our team ensures you are well-prepared to attract and engage candidates, while providing essential tools to hiring managers and HR team members. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to request an engagement.